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Personal Health Budgets

The NHS explains that Personal Health Budget uses NHS funding to create an individually agreed personalised care and support plan that offers people of all ages greater choice and flexibility over how their assessed health and wellbeing needs are met.

Personal health budgets are flexible. They can be used to meet a variety of needs:

  • for ongoing care and support to meet people’s assessed health and wellbeing needs:
  • NHS Continuing Healthcare,
  • children and young people’s continuing care,
  • aftercare services under section 117 of the Mental Health Act,
  • for one-off budgets to support people to achieve specific goals or outcomes enabling supported self-management,
  • to support children and young people with education, health and care plans aligned to expectations in the SEND Code of Practice.

They can be:

  • pooled to support several individuals to come together to achieve a common health and wellbeing goal,
  • integrated with social care and/or education personal budgets,
  • used to target and address wider system priorities such as identified health inequalities.

For more information, please contact your lead health professional or visit:

Personal Health Budgets

Personal Health Budgets for children, young people and families

Personal Health Budgets for people with a learning disability or autism or both

Personal Health Budgets for mental health

Integrated Personal Budgets

Personal Wheelchair Budgets